Libra Solar Eclipse

As we enter the heart of Autumn - a time of rest, reflection and release, we too enter into Eclipse Season with a Solar Eclipse at 21° Libra occurring at 6pm GMT on Oct 14th. The simple advice for Eclipses is always that of surrender.

❝ What you resist not only persists, but will grow in size.❞

- Carl Jung

What is Eclipse Season

Eclipse Season happens every six months and lasts about 34 days. It is a time when the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth are all on the same linear plane. With a Solar Eclipse, the South Node is conjunct a New Moon - leading to the Sun appearing to be eclipsed by the Moon.

The North and South Node are the two points in the sky where the Moon's orbit intersects the Earth's ecliptic plane.

With a Lunar Eclipse, the North Node is conjunct a Full Moon - so the Moon appears to be eclipsed by the shadow of the Earth cast onto it.

Eclipses bring to light what was once hidden or in the dark.

Solar Eclipse in Libra

The Moons Nodes are an axis that appear to travel backwards through the zodiac. It takes about 18 months for the nodes to travel through a sign. The nodes moved into the axis of Aries (North Node) and Libra (South Node) on July 17 2023, before this they were traveling through Taurus/Scorpio.

The Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14th is the first eclipse in Libra since the eclipses of 2014-2016. If you think back to those years, similar themes and issues may arise in your life now.

With the Eclipse being conjunct the South Node, the energy is about purging, ending, releasing and letting go of things that no longer align with who you are. This may relate to habits, a job or a friendship. Look to the House where Libra sits in your chart for an idea of the themes that may arise.

Libra is a Cardinal Air sign that is ruled by the planet Venus. Represented by the scales of justice, Libra is associated with balance, partnership, social grace, beauty, peace, togetherness, equality, indecisiveness, compromise, fairness, harmony and diplomacy.

With this Solar Eclipse ruled by Venus and the next Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on Oct 28th also ruled by Venus, we are all likely to experience change in our relationships and boundaries.

This is an opportunity to work through issues related to codependency, aloneness and peace, and reflect on what love means to you and if your relationships reflect that.

Release the fear of losing others, through being your true self.

Release the guilt that results in people pleasing.

Connections grow, connections change.

Now is not the time to sit on the fence.

How will this Eclipse affect you

Read for you Ascendant and Sun sign below for a more focused description of how the Solar Eclipse in Libra will affect you.

Aries Sun/Ascendant

Tensions or breakthroughs related to business and romantic partnerships, open enemies, marriage, contracts, legalities, agreements and obligations.

Taurus Sun/Ascendant

Tensions or breakthroughs related to health, everyday life, routine and service.

Gemini Sun/Ascendant

Tensions or breakthroughs related to creativity, hobbies, romance, children and self-expression.

Cancer Sun/Ascendant

Tensions or breakthroughs related to the home, family, mother, roots, childhood and family relationships.

Leo Sun/Ascendant

Tensions or breakthroughs related to communication, neighbours, short distance travel, siblings/cousins, writing and teaching.

Virgo Sun/Ascendant

Tensions or breakthroughs related to values, self worth, possessions (also intangible things such as feelings, needs and wants), money and comforts.

Libra Sun/Ascendant

Tensions or breakthroughs related to your appearance, health, first impression, self-presentation and automatic responses.

Scorpio Sun/Ascendant

Tensions or breakthroughs related to your unconscious, dreams, secret enemies, mental health, spirituality and self-undoing. Energy levels may be very low.

Sagittarius Sun/Ascendant

Tensions or breakthroughs related to friendship, clubs, organisations, hopes and dreams and destiny.

Capricorn Sun/Ascendant

Tensions or breakthroughs in relation to career, public image, social status, authority figures, life path, legacy and father. The balance between work life and home life.

Aquarius Sun/Ascendant

Tensions or breakthroughs related to long distance travel, religion, higher education, spirituality, teaching and philosophy.

Pisces Sun/Ascendant

Tensions or breakthroughs related to transformation, your attitude towards crisis and change, sexuality, death and rebirth, our partner’s resources, addictions and inheritance.

Final Advice

Now is not the time to push or start something new. It is a time to rest, reflect and surrender to the lessons of the Eclipse. Listen to your body, take note of your dreams and journal to explore your inner world.

Tensions are high, so give each other the benefit of the doubt, pause and take a breath.

Take care and take it easy!

- Zinead x


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